Double Boiled Soup - Organic Black Bean Soup

Black beans have a variety of health benefits. It is good for maintaining healthy bones, lowers blood pressure, helps to support heart health due to the fiber, potassium, folate, vitamin B6, and lack of cholesterol contents in the bean. Black beans aid in digestion due to its high fiber content, which in turn also helps in weight loss. 

Today's recipe is a double boiled soup that uses organic black beans. Why organic? Simply because there is no soaking of the bean required before you use it, and it apparently softens easily compared to the non organic beans. I am not sure if this is true, as I have only used organic black beans for this soup. 

This soup tastes very pleasant, despite the scary looking black colour. And it is so nutritious and good for our bodies! Do give it a try!

Double Boiled Organic Black Bean Soup
(Serves 4)


1/2 cup of organic black beans
3 red dates (pitted)
10-12 medium sized dried scallops
200g pork ribs
1 piece of dried cuttlefish
1.5 litres of water
Salt, to taste

  1. Place pork ribs in a bowl, and pour enough boiling water to cover the ribs. This is to get rid of smell and scum. Soak the ribs for 15 minutes and proceed to prepare the other ingredients.
  2. Wash black beans, red dates, dried scallops and cuttlefish, place in inner pot of your double boiler
  3. Place pork ribs in inner pot. Then add in 1.5 litres of water.
  4. Proceed to double boil for 3 hours.
  5. After 3 hours, skim oil off the soup (optional), and add salt to taste. 
  6. If cooking over the stove top, prepare according to steps 1-3, set the flame to high till the liquid comes to a boil. Then simmer at low heat for 2 hours, taking care to check on the soup and top up water if needed.
  7. Serve hot with your meal

For your reference:
Dried ingredients

Soak pork ribs in hot boiling water for 15 minutes

Organic black bean. Added too much black bean in the soup yesterday =p More than 1/2 cup


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